You may have guessed by now, I love to document things! I was blessed to be able to attend the School of Kingdom Writers part-time, on-line program, called Arche Year. The school itself is founded and ran by Brad Pauquette, and is based out of Zanesville, Ohio. It also has an in-person, two-year program.
The on-line program is called a cohort. I absolutely love that. The dictionary defines the word cohort as any group of soldiers or warriors. Pretty awesome, right? I consider myself a Word Warrior and have the bracelet to prove it!
I was a guest speaker on the School of Kingdom Writers podcast, along with some of my fellow Cohort warriors, Rebekah Olson and Kyle Peters. In the podcast, each of us discussed our thoughts and experiences with the school and cohort. Check it out!
The Arche Year Cohort was an amazing experience for me. Too often in this world, there is a line drawn in the sand. Christians are on one side and non-Christians are on the other. SOKW and the Arche Year cohort helps to bridge that gap, equipping believers to step into their calling. It empowered and encouraged me as a Christian and as a writer.
Brad gave me the knowledge and steps to take, in order to launch my author’s platform with confidence and support. My fellow AY Cohort members have become great friends and long-term supporters in my mission as well. My only regret is that I could not do the in-person program instead.
Please take a listen to the podcast and check out the SOKW. Let me know your thoughts and how you can take the next step into your calling or come alongside the aspiring authors in your life!